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On February 1, 2 in Brussels, Belgium, 60 stakeholders from government, industry, civil society, academia, agriculture, and media engaged in lively debate aimed at anticipating and responding to future food crises in Europe.  Participants in this first-ever Food Alert workshop assumed the roles of crisis ‘Task Force’ members entrusted with the crucial role of formulating policy recommendations for senior EU decision-makers, to address an unfolding food crisis. Participants were split into three working groups, each addressing a different aspect of the multifaceted nature of the scenario: Crisis Response Mechanisms, Agriculture & Food Production, and Trade & Finance.

The exercise used a policy simulation scenario to immerse participants in the co-creation of potential policy responses, mitigate the impacts of such a crisis, and closely examine current policy and institutional arrangements and policy response frameworks. Building on various Horizon projects and EU policy documents, workshop participants developed and presented their ideas and proposals for improving and strengthening systemic response capabilities.

Policy Simulations

Policy simulations take participants into the future to engage them in co-creating policies to reduce risk, build resilience, or achieve other urgent goals. Together, participants will explore research-based future stories offering realistic effects of business-as-usual trends. In their scenario roles as future policy advisors and policy-makers, they will be invited to embrace diverse values and perspectives while negotiating issues linked to a fictional food crisis, accelerating constructive responses that protect the food supply, ensure food security, and foster the achievement of the EU’s environmental, social and economic goals linked to a sustainable food system.

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    The Food Alert Simulation project will benefit from earlier work done in the context of the CASCADES, EU Horizon 2020 project, which explored cascading climate impacts on various aspects of European societies.

    The Food Alert workshop was also greatly assisted by contributions to a specially-created “Technical Working Group” by experts of the OECD and IDDRI (Paris) who worked with project partners to finalize the crisis simulation scenario, to enhance its factual content and accuracy. The workshop was also enhanced by Listening Inspires, an NGO that brings together a rich network of individuals committed to inspiring creative solutions to modern-day challenges through deep listening – to ourselves, each other and Nature.


